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Civics Radio Network

This pilot program led by KUNV Public Radio taught a group of 20 students—ranging from high school juniors to college seniors—the fundamentals of civics, alongside developing note-taking and storytelling skills. Throughout the civics camp, students produced daily videos sharing their insights and connecting their learnings to their personal experiences. The audio from these videos was integrated into a final pilot podcast. Additionally,  students engaged in brainstorming sessions to identify pressing issues they observe, select a topic for in-depth exploration, and craft radio stories around that topic. 


Students were empowered to come up with creative ways to share what they’ve learned during various community gatherings. They expressed that presenting to communities  was their favorite part of the project. 

Group in Live Studio posed - Carrie Kaufman.png

What is the connection between this outreach project and the principles of the portrait? 


Learners practiced expressing their perspective to their communities. 

Partners from the county, university, and school district who are traditionally siloed came together on a mission centered around a common effort for young people.


Partners and mentors in both government and higher education gained valuable insight into the current needs of young people to improve their own work while simultaneously offering learners insight into how to take meaningful civic action.

The experiences centered on journalistic ethics, democracy and public service will serve learners throughout their lives as citizens and storytellers informed by facts.

"Participating in the Civic Engagement Bootcamp offered Vote Nevada an opportunity to engage with young community members and focus on their educational needs. Too often, polling leaves out the views and needs of young people who have not yet voted, so we tend to gloss over the importance of their roles in civic life. The BootCamp succeeded at centering the participants' lived experiences and gave them a voice to express their hopes and worries."



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The Nevada Future of Learning Network is facilitated by the Center for the Future of Learning and KnowledgeWorks in partnership with the Nevada Department of Education.

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