Catch Up on Portrait Conversations

Portrait Conversations have occurred both in-person and virtually across Nevada since October 2022. Nevadans considered how young people need to be prepared, as well as which critical mindsets and skills are needed to navigate the present and prepare for the future. Participants were also invited to fill out surveys to offer targeted feedback on the Portrait of a Nevada Learner as it was developed.
Nevada Department of Education Family Engagement Summit,10/22
Together, Future of Learning Convening, 10/22
NV Portrait Podcast Series, 11/22-1/23
UNLV Education Summit, 11/22
Virtual Premiere of Portrait Conversations Virtual, 12/22
Tech Alley, Portrait Conversation, 12/22
Vision Seekers Youth Conversations, 1/23-3/23
Piloting the Portrait Educator Teams, 1/23-5/23
ed.Xtraordinary’s X.Collective Family Night, 2/23
Nevada Department of Education Title I Summit, 3/23
Leadership Institute of Nevada Conversation, 3/23
CCSD Parents Facebook Live, 3/23
Teach Plus Portrait of a Nevada Learner Listening Circle #1, 3/23
Teach Plus Portrait of a Nevada Learner Listening Circle #2, 3/23
Teach Plus Portrait of a Nevada Learner Listening Circle #3, 4/23
Parent Leadership Team Portrait Conversation, 4/23
Nevada Association of Student Councils Conference, 4/23
Nevada Future of Learning Competency Fellows, 4/23-5/23
Teach for America Sage + Systems Fellowship, 5/23
Nevada community members from across districts were invited to participate in this four-series panel that synthesized the data from our process including pre-existing Nevada district portraits to create the final draft:
Nevada Department of Education Portrait Perspectives Panel, #1, 4/23
Nevada Department of Education Portrait Perspectives Panel #2, 5/23
Nevada Department of Education Portrait Perspectives Panel #3, 5/23
Nevada Department of Education Portrait Perspectives Panel #4, 5/23