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Portrait Podcast

A podcast produced by young people to explore reflections from Nevadans about who we are and what we value.

Latest Episodes

Highlights: What skills and mindsets do students need?

"There's so much more that's needed than writing great papers." Students also need to "be able to communicate to the right audience." -English Teacher 

"Communications and having an open mind. Being able to build off other people's ideas."
-Leaders in Training staff member


"Building authentic relationships, with yourself, with your family, and with your community."
-Alex Bybee, Communities In Schools

"To know how to be social, to be someone that can listen" to others. 
-Middle school student

"Being able to problem solve, bring people together around a challenge, and find the best solution. 
-Pam Moran, educators and former Superintendent 

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The Nevada Future of Learning Network is facilitated by the Center for the Future of Learning and KnowledgeWorks in partnership with the Nevada Department of Education.

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